1. D. Kaltchev
    Beam-beam detuning formula and its agreement with MadX. Individual collisions.

  2. D. Kaltchev
    General Beam-beam detuning formula and its tests

  3. D. Kaltchev
    Beam-beam-as-wire and wire-as-octupole approximations: tuneshifts

  4. Skoufaris, K et al
    Numerical optimization of dc wire parameters for mitigation of the long range beam-beam interactions in High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24 (2021) 074001

  5. Sterbini, Guido et al
    First results of the compensation of the beam-beam effect with DC wires in the LHC, CERN-ACC-2019-192. 2019 and 10th IPAC, Melbourne, Australia

  6. D. Kaltchev

  7. D. Kaltchev

  8. D. Kaltchev
    Fourier Coefficients of Long-Range Beam-Beam Hamiltonian via Two-Dimensional Bessel functions
    Proc. of IPAC 2018, Vancouver BC, Canada, PDF

  9. D. Kaltchev, D. Pellegrini, N. Karastathis, Y. Papaphilippou, E. McIntosh,
    Extended-domain tune-scans for the HL-LHC Dynamic aperture in presence of Beam-Beam effects
    Proc. of IPAC 2018, Vancouver BC, Canada, PDF

  10. D. Kaltchev,
    Tune-scans and working point optimization for colliding beams in HL-LHC,
    Beam-Beam Effects Workshop, Berkeley 2018 (talk), PDF

  11. D. Kaltchev, Kyle Gao
    EGUN-ELBT reference trajectory correction in presence of ambient fields,
    TRIUMF Beam physics note, May 2014, PDF

  12. D. Kaltchev,
    Analysis of long range studies in the LHC - comparison with the model,
    Beam-Beam ICFA mini workshop 2013, Geneva,PDF

  13. T. Pieloni et al
    Performance Limitations in the Lhc Due to Parasitic Beam-Beam Encounters- Parameter Dependence, Scaling, and Pacman Effects

  14. D. Kaltchev,
    Hamiltonian for Long-range Beam-Beam interactions -- Fourier Expansion Coefficients
    TRIUMF Beam physics note,PDF

  15. D. Kaltchev and Alex J. Dragt,
    Convergence of Taylor Transfer Map for Duffing Equation

  16. R. Assmann, R. Bruce, X. Buffat, R. Calaga, R. Giachino, W. Herr, E. Metral, G. Papotti, T. Pieloni, G. Roy, G. Trad, D. Kaltchev,
    Results of long-range beam-beam studies - scaling with beam separation and intensity
    CERN-ATS-Note-2012-070 MD

  17. D. Kaltchev and Alex J. Dragt,
    Poincare Analyticity and the Complete Variational Equations
    Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 242, issue 1, 1 jan 2013

  18. V. Zvyagintsev et al,
    Nine-cell Elliptical Cavity Development at TRIUMF

  19. R. Assmann, et all
    LHC Collimation -- Too Good or Too Bad ?
    Chamonix 2011PDF

  20. D. Kaltchev et al,
    Studies of Transverse Single-pass Beam Breakup in E-Linac

  21. L. Merminga et al,
    ARIEL: TRIUMF's Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory

  22. Meddahi, M. et al,
    Results of 2009 Optics Studies of the SPS to LHC Transfer Lines
    1st IPAC 2010, Kyoto, Japan

  23. Wollmann, D et al,
    First cleaning with LHC collimators
    1st IPAC 2010, Kyoto, Japan

  24. Schuh, M.; T\ückmantel, J.; Biarrotte, J. L.; Kaltchev, D.,
    Code Benchmarking of Higher Order Modes Simulation Codes
    CERN-sLHC-Project-Note-0010 - Geneva, CERN, 2010 - 6 p

  25. Dobrin Kaltchev and Werner Herr,
    Analytical calculation of the smear for long-range beam-beam interactions,
    In Proc. of PAC09, VancouverPDF

  26. Dobrin Kaltchev,
    Mathematica program for extracting one-turn Lie generator map, application of TPSA
    International Conference on Charged Particle Optics (CPO-7), Physics Procedia, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 1-572 (August 2008)

  27. W. Herr and D. Kaltchev,
    Results of dynamic aperture studies for increased beta* with beam-beam interactions
    CERN-LHC-Project-Note-416.- Geneva : CERN, 2008

  28. W. Herr, D. Kaltchev,
    Effect of phase advance between interaction points in the LHC on the beam-beam interactions,
    LHC Project Report 1082, Apr 1 2008,

  29. D. Kaltchev,
    Two-fold ILC Damping Ring based on OCS6 cells,
    TRIUMF Design Note TRI-DN-07-8, Mar 7 2007, PDF

  30. R.A. Baartman, D. Kaltchev,
    Runge-Kutta DA Integrator in Mathematica Language,
    in Proc. EPAC 2007

  31. R.A. Baartman, D. Kaltchev,
    Short Quadrupole Parametrization
    Proc. EPAC 2007

  32. Dobrin Kaltchev,
    On beam-beam resonances observed in LHC tracking
    TRIUMF Design Note TRI-DN-07-9, Mar 23 2007 PDF

  33. W. Herr, E. McIntosh, F. Schmidt, D. Kaltchev
    Large Scale Beam-beam Simulations for the CERN LHC Using Distributed Computing
    Proc. EPAC 2006

  34. D. Kaltchev,
    Implementation of TPSA in the Mathematica Code LieMath
    EPAC 2006

  35. F. Zimmermann, R. Basset, E. Benedetto, U. Dorda, M. Giovannozzi,Y. Papaphilippou, T. Pieloni, F. Ruggiero, G. Rumolo, F. Schmidt, E. Todesco,
    Accelerator Physics Code Web Repository
    EPAC 2006

  36. D. Kaltchev,
    Building Truncated Taylor Maps with Mathematica and Applications to FFAG
    Proc. EPAC 2004

  37. R. Assmann et al,
    An Improved Collimation System for the LHC
    Proc. EPAC 2004

  38. R. Assmann et al,
    The New Layout of the LHC Cleaning Insertions
    EPAC 2004

  39. M.K. Craddock, D. Kaltchev,
    Feasibility Studies for a Radioactive-Ion Storage Ring
    Proc. PAC 2003, PortlandPDF

  40. R. Assmann et al,
    Tools forPredicting Cleaning Efficiency
    Proc. PAC 2003, PortlandPDF

  41. R. Assmann et al,
    Designing and Building a Collimation System for the High-Intensity
    LHCBeam Proc. PAC 2003, PortlandPDF

  42. D. Kaltchev,
    Collimation efficiency in presence of misalignment and sample closed orbit errors
    LHC Project Note 294PDF

  43. D. Kaltchev, F.Zimmermann,
    On the Transparency of the Electron Cloud to Synchrotron Radiation
    Mini-Workshop on Electron-Cloud Simulations for Proton and Positron Beams, CERN, 15-18 April 2000PDF

  44. F. Schmidt, A. Verdier, D. Kaltchev,
    Correction of the Systematic b3 Error with the Resonance-free Lattice in the LHC
    Proc. EPAC 2000 Vienna PDF

  45. F. Schmidt, A.Verdier, D. Kaltchev,
    Robustness of Resonance-free Lattices Against Gradient Errors
    in Proc. PAC 2001, Chicago

  46. D. Kaltchev
    Two-stage betatron and momentum collimation studies with applications to LHC
    Proc. 7th ICFA Mini-Workshop on High Intensity High Brightness Hadron Beams "Beam Halo and Scraping", Interlaken, Wisconsin Sept. 1999 and TRIUMF Preprint TRI-PP-99-39 PDF

  47. D. Kaltchev, H. Mori,
    Beam Collimation Working Group Summary
    Proc. ICFA Mini-Workshop on High Intensity High Brightness Hadron Beams, Interlaken and Triumf Report TRI-PP-99-44PDF

  48. J.B. Jeanneret, D. Kaltchev, A. Verdier,
    Present situation of the cleaning insertions IR3 and IR7
    SLAP Beam Physics Note 6, Nov. 5 1998 PDF

  49. D.Kaltchev, M.K.Craddock, J.B. Jeanneret, A.Verdier
    Optics solutions for the collimation insertions of the LHC
    Proc. PAC'99 New York (Mar-Apr 1999) and CERN-LHC-Project-Report-305PDF

  50. D.Kaltchev, M.K.Craddock, R.V.Servranckx, J.B. Jeanneret,
    Initial Error Analysis for The Collimation Insertion of LHC
    Proc. PAC'99 New York and CERN-LHC-Project-Report-304PDF

  51. Dobrin Kaltchev,
    Design of Betatron and Momentum Collimation Systems with code DJ. DJ User's Manual.
    TRIUMF Note, TRI-DX-99-16, April 1999 PDF

  52. D.Kaltchev, M.K.Craddock, R.V.Servranckx, T.Risselada,
    Momentum Cleaning in the LHC
    Proc. EPAC'98, Stockholm, 1998 and CERN-LHC-Project-Report-194PDF

  53. D.Kaltchev, M.K.Craddock, R.V.Servranckx, J.B.Jeanneret,
    Numerical optimization of collimator jaw orientations and locations in the LHC
    Proc. PAC'97, Vancouver, May 1997 and CERN LHC Proj. Rep. 134, 1997PDF

  54. N. Catalan Lasheras, G.Ferioli, J.B.Jeanneret, R.Jung, T.Trenkler, D.Kaltchev,
    Proton Collimation in TeV Colliders
    Proc. Int. Symposium on Near Beam Physics, Fermilab, Sept. 1997

  55. D. Kaltchev, J.B. Jeanneret,
    Optimization of Collimator Jaw Locations for the LHC
    Proc. of EPAC'96 (Barcelona)PDF

  56. D. Kaltchev and S.Koscielniak,
    Effect of gradient perturbations upon tune and beta-function of the TRIUMF ISAC RFQ accelerator
    TRI-DN-95-30, TRIUMF, Sept. 1995

  57. D. Kaltchev, R.V. Servranckx, M.K. Craddock, W. Joho,
    Lattice Studies for a High-Brightness Light Source
    PAC'95 (Dallas)PDF

  58. D. Kaltchev, R.V. Servranckx,
    Search for A and B rings lattices
    TRI-DN-94-K245, TRIUMF, 1994PDF

  59. D. Kaltchev, R.V. Servranckx,
    A Racetrack Accumulator Lattice
    TRI-DN-94-K244, TRIUMF, 1994 PDF

  60. D. Kaltchev, R.V. Servranckx, M.K. Craddock,
    KAON Accumulator and Booster Rings
    Proc. EPAC'94 (London) PDF

  61. D.I. Kaltchev, E.A.Perelstein,
    Coherent Corrections to the Synchrotron Radiation Spectrum of a Relativistic Electron Beam
    Phys. Fluids B, Vol.5, No.1 (1993) pp 164-170.

  62. D. Kaltchev, E.A.Perelstein,
    Synchrotron radiation calculations and collimator design for the Tau Charm Factory
    JINR Preprint JINR-E9-93-68 (Fermilab library call number: JINR-E9-93-68)

  63. Kaltchev D. et al,
    JINR Tau-Charm Factory Study
    Proc. HEACC'92 (Hamburg), p.448

  64. Kaltchev D. et al,
    Design Considerations for the JINR Tau-Charm Factory
    Proc. IEEE PAC'91 Conference p.195

  65. D. Kaltchev, E.A. Perelstein,
    Gain Calculations for the Synchrotron Radiation Free Electron Maser
    Proc. EPAC'92 (Berlin), p.626

  66. D. Kaltchev, E.A.Perelstein,
    A Synchrotron Radiation Free Electron Maser (in Russian)
    Journal of Technical Physics, Vol. 59, 1 (1989)

  67. Kaltchev D. et al,
    Calculation of Ion Axial Injection System into U-200 Isochronous Cyclotron
    JINR Communications, P9-87-869, 1987

  68. Kaltchev D. et al,
    H 1+ Ion Beam Transport in U-200 Cyclotron Axial Injection System
    JINR Communications, P9-88-20, 1988